MiG-21MF Fishbed. Profipack.
Plastic assembly kit. Requires glues, paint and tools to complete
Eduard Profipack supply the basic kit, decals and a selection of detail parts.
ProfiPACK edition kit of Soviet Cold War jet aircraft MiG-21MF in 1/72 scale.
Model Details:
- Scale: 1/72
- Number of parts:
- Length:
- Wingspan:
- One detailed plastic kit with five decal options.
- Includes pre-painted etched parts and mask set plus Soviet / Russian MiG-21 "Fishbed" from the Cold War to the 90's Vallejo Model Air War 8 Color Paint Set 17ml Bottles - 71607
This Paint Set Contents the following colors:
71032 Golden Brown
71046 Pale Blue Gray
71081 Ochre
71137 US Light Green
71143 UK Light Stone
71244 Sand Beige
71332 Underside Blue - Faded
71347 Russian AF Dark Green